help a mutual aid organization help others!

help a mutual aid organization help others!

weekly art raffles for a family in palestine

  • STARTING JUNE 1st @mudcrushersstudio IS HOSTING ONLINE ART RAFFLES EVERY WEEK! And guess what? It’s for a good cause of course! All proceeds from this raffle will be donated to help a local community member’s family who is in Gaza.

    Every week we will announce a raffle winner and start up a new raffle. BACK TO BACK ART RAFFLES!!!

    All artwork is donated by local artists here in Baltimore!

    The first art piece will be announced on june1st as well as how to enter the raffle and all other info🫡🫡🫡

    Plz share far and wide❤️❤️free Palestine!

    📍 Baltimore, MD to Gaza, Palestine

serving meals and supplies to baltimore’s unhoused community

  • Hello my name is Cam, I live in the Baltimore’s inner harbor, if you have anything laying around the house that could help someone in need, please hit me up. I will take any food donations, if it needs to be cooked, I will prepared it!

    Im off every Wednesday for drop offs!

    Please share❤️❤️❤️

    📍 Baltimore, MD


help palestinians!

help palestinians!

Mahmoud Albasyouni

  • Hi my name is Mahmoud. I'm a student, living in Turkiye but my family is stuck in Gaza. Everyday the situation gets more grave and dangerous. Tragically, their home was bombed at the beginning of the conflict in Beit Hanoun, forcing them to flee several times for their lives. This was painstakingly difficult for them—they had to carry whatever they could gather on their backs and walk for miles to find refuge. They currently are without basic necessities to live including water, food, clothing, bedding and medicine. Israel has cut off electricity and water and the bakeries and sources of food have been destroyed by bombs. There is no flour in the north where people are starving and they have resorted to making bread with birdseed.

    Most days there is no way to communicate with them. No Internet connection or ways for them to charge a cell phone. Sometimes I cannot reach them for days or even weeks to make sure they are okay—I cannot describe how much this has devastated my life. I feel paralyzed in fear and anxiety, spending my days trying to reach them and trying to find ways to get them out of harm’s way. The situation is grave and their lives are in danger 24/7.

    Before the war, my family lived in a big, beautiful house but now they are in a tent with nothing, sleeping on the ground. After 136 days of war I have lost 25 people from my family: my uncle, my aunt, their children, my grandfather, my grandmother, and my cousin. It was a shock. My little sister, named Nour, is only 7 years old. My father and mother are sick and we do not have anything. I want to collect donations to get my family out of Gaza to live a happy life. Please, if you can help me reunite with my family to start a new life away from the war, I would be very grateful. I haven’t seen them in 7 years since starting my studies in Turkey and I’m afraid I will never see them again.

    I need to raise $50,000 to get my family out of Gaza and get them to Turkey and an additional $10,000 to provide housing and necessities. You can help change our lives forever and reunite us at last. Thank you for listening to my story.

musbah family

  • My name is Samah fares.

    I am a 37-year-old wife and mother of three kids living in Gaza. Every moment from the beginning of the conflict has been a struggle for survival with so much fear for what may happen to me and my family. The challenges of keeping my children alive in Gaza is becoming extremely difficult. I’ve lost everything dear to me, my family members, friends, and home. My youngest daughter is in critical condition, being exposed to white phosphorus, she has developed severe respiratory problems and it is beginning to spread to other areas in her body. I am very afraid I may lose my daughter in the upcoming days since we have no money to treat her outside Gaza.

    ِAdditionally, My son Musbah, a university student, graduated from high school last year with a GPA of 98.3. He was ambitious and passionate about life, eagerly looking forward to university. Unfortunately, he was only able to attend for two weeks before the war broke out, leading to the destruction of the university. Therefore, we are seeking to help him continue his education abroad, but this seems impossible given our difficult financial circumstances.

    And in addition to my daughter's illness and the need to support my son's education, another reason that prompted us to consider leaving Gaza is that our home, which used to shelter us, was completely destroyed. We are facing a dire situation, and any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I am compelled to reach out, to plead for assistance from those who may lend a helping hand in our time of need. Every donation will significantly impact our ability to cope with these immense challenges, providing basic necessities like food and medication. Your support during this profoundly challenging time will bring hope amid despair.

Help Mahdi Al-Durra's Family Escape Gaza

  • Before the war, My family and I lived in an area called Wadi Gaza. On October 7th 2023 when the war began, my wife, my four daughters and I were displaced to the Bureij camp with my wife’s family. We were living in the most difficult times, with very little food and our young children experienced the worst level of fear and all kinds of injustice and terror.

    My martyred daughter Jana and I

    My daughter Rahaf, 7 years old

    My daughter Hala, 4 years old

    My youngest one Sama, 2 years old

    The occupation told us that we must evacuate the Bureij camp, and we were then displaced again to the Nuseirat camp with my family, and my wife’s family.

    A few days later, the house we were in was targeted without warning nor prior communication. In this terrible accident, I lost my 9-year old daughter Jana.

    My wife’s three brothers, her sister, her sister’s husband with all their four children were all killed. My wife was severely injured and lost her left eye, and I was injured in my back.

    From there started a deep suffering, the pain of separation, the physical pain, and we mourned my daughter and my wife's family.

    A month after the incident, my wife was transferred from Gaza to Egypt and then Qatar to receive treatment because her health condition was deteriorating. She took my three children with her, and I am now in Gaza alone. The pain increased because of the distance.

    I then received the news of the demolition of my house. I became homeless, without a job nor a family. In any case, I thank God for everything ...

    I need your help to flee and join my family. The brokers that can help me escape request $5,000. After my wife’s treatment ends I will need to cover for housing, food, water and basic furniture.

    May God make this fundraise successful and allow us to start a new life and live a life with dignity. I am grateful for you and for taking some of your time to read about my story. Even the smallest contribution would help.

adam and his family

  • Adam is displaced with his family in Khan Yunis. They need a food and tent desperately as they lost their belongings in a bombing recently. Adam and his family members have been injured and displaced and need shelter from the elements at the bare minimum. The cost of evacuation to Egypt has skyrocketed. Adam's family has 5 adults and 2 children. Costs for adults to evacuate range between $7k-1k, and children $2k-5k.

ibrahim waleed and his family

  • Hello, from Gaza. I am one of the future doctors in the world, Ibrahim Al-Sarsawi. This is still my dream despite the ongoing war that is slowly making all my ambitions and dreams fade away. I joined the Faculty of Medicine at Al-Azhar University. I got a 97 average in high school and I was one of the top students.

    Unfortunately, due to the ongoing conflict, my father's company was demolished by bombs, and this was our only source of income. In addition, university buildings were destroyed and the dreams of hundreds of students were shattered. However, we still have hope for humanity even though we currently live without safe shelter, in harsh conditions, no useful food, and no health care.

    My father died of cancer and left my mother with me. She is 63 years old. She is diabetic and needs someone to take care of her. She also suffered from a detached retina and needed surgery to restore her vision to normal. In Gaza, there are no hospitals to care for her because all our hospitals were destroyed, and all I have left in life is my mother. Please protect her from genocide and take her out for treatment abroad so she can survive. I request every one to take my appeal seriously and help me take my mother out for treatment abroad.

    My family and I live in miserable conditions. We live in a tent with no resources for life including water, food, and safety. We are experiencing huge risks due to the continuous random bombings. Specifically, Kids are traumatically scared and no longer can tolerate such fear.

    I have always been a lover of life, and since my childhood, I have been trying to serve the whole world. Today I invite the whole world. To help me complete my education, achieve my dreams, become a doctor, serve the whole world, make a difference in this world, and provide what benefits them.

    Now I hope that my voice will be heard and that you will help me continue my university studies outside Gaza. This will be a step towards realizing my dreams, of becoming a doctor, serving the world, and providing for my mother.

    I hope you take my plea into your hearts and spread hope to the world. Thank you to everyone who will help me achieve my dream."

    Thank you so much.

    "مرحبًا، اسمي أحمد العجلة. أعيش في كندا الآن. أنا أنظم هذا التبرع لمساعدة شقيق صديقي، إبراهيم، على الخروج من غزة مع والدته للبقاء ومتابعة حلمه في دراسة الطب. هذه قصته:"

    "مرحبًا، من غزة. أنا أحد أطباء المستقبل في العالم، إبراهيم السرساوي. هذا لا يزال حلمي على الرغم من الحرب المستمرة التي تجعل كل طموحاتي وأحلامي تتلاشى ببطء. انضممت إلى كلية الطب في جامعة الأزهر. حصلت على معدل 97 في الثانوية العامة وكنت من بين أفضل الطلاب.

    للأسف، بسبب الحرب المستمرة، تم هدم شركة والدي بالصواريخ، وكانت هذه هي مصدر دخلنا الوحيد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم تدمير مباني الجامعة وتحطيم أحلام مئات الطلاب. ومع ذلك، لازلنا نحمل الأمل في الإنسانية على الرغم من أننا نعيش حاليًا بدون مأوى آمن، في ظروف قاسية، بدون طعام جيد، وبدون رعاية صحية.

    والدي توفي بسبب السرطان وترك والدتي معي. هي تبلغ من العمر 63 عامًا. تعاني أمي من مرض السكري وتحتاج إلى من يعتني بها. كما تعاني من انفصال في الشبكية وتحتاج إلى جراحة لاستعادة رؤيتها إلى الوضع الطبيعي. في غزة، لا توجد مستشفيات لرعايتها لأن جميع مستشفياتنا دمرت، وكل ما تبقى لي في الحياة هو والدتي. أرجوكم احموا والدتي من الإبادة الجماعية وساعدوني في إخراجها للعلاج في الخارج حتى تتمكن من البقاء على قيد الحياة. أطلب من الجميع أخذ ندائي على محمل الجد ومساعدتي في إخراج والدتي للعلاج في الخارج."

    عائلتي وأنا نعيش في ظروف بائسة. نعيش في خيمة دون موارد للحياة بما في ذلك الماء، والطعام، والأمان. نحن نواجه مخاطر كبيرة بسبب القصف العشوائي المستمر. على وجه الخصوص، الأطفال مرعوبون بشدة ولم يعودوا يتحملون هذا الخوف.

    لقد كنت دائمًا عاشقًا للحياة، ومنذ طفولتي، حاولت خدمة العالم بأسره. اليوم، أدعو العالم كله. لمساعدتي في استكمال تعليمي، وتحقيق أحلامي، وأن أصبح طبيبًا، وأصنع فارقًا في هذا العالم، وأعمم الفائدة للآخرين.

    آمل الآن أن يُسمع صوتي وأن تساعدوني في متابعة دراستي الجامعية خارج غزة. ستكون هذه خطوة نحو تحقيق أحلامي، وأن أصبح طبيبًا، وأخدم العالم، وأوفر الراحة لأمي.

    آمل أن تأخذوا ندائي إلى قلوبكم وتنشروا الأمل في العالم. شكرًا جزيلاً لكل من سيساعدني في تحقيق حلمي."

    شكرًا جزيلاً لكم.

Donia Al Amal and his family

  • Hello, my name is Donia Al Amal from Gaza.

    This fundraising campaign is in order to preserve the lives of me, my wife, and my child, Loujain, after we lost everything (home, work, car).

    I am an architect and my husband is a civil engineer. We had an engineering office and we lived in safety and stability, but the war left us with nothing. We lost everything.

    Gaza has become a war zone and is no longer a safe place to live.

    My husband and I dream of a peaceful, safe and quiet environment to raise our daughter Loujain.

    Gaza is no longer livable because of the war. There is no good health care, schools, shelter or job opportunities.

    Therefore, it is very difficult to bear the expenses of life and move out.

    This fundraiser will help us achieve a better life and help us raise our daughter in a healthier environment.

    My daughter has been through very difficult situations considering her young age such as air strikes, bombing, shooting, watching her homeland being destroyed and her people being killed.

    This fundraiser can be a reason for hope to survive and live a livable life after all we have been through and lost.

    I want to thank everyone who will support us.

    Our situation is getting worse.

    The genocide continues and now the Rafah area is being invaded.

    Please continue to support us so we can all get to safety as quickly as possible.

Mahmoud Budair

  • ‏I am Mahmoud Budair from Gaza strip I'm 22.y.o. I am a information technology student from gaza ,my university was bombed and I didn’t get my degrees my future destroyed, my dreams crashed out ,my father lost his job and all my family members lost their jobs and we were left with no source of income . I have a family containing my mother , father ,sisters , We used to live a safe life full of joy and prosperity . We have been working hard without any slack off during the past 11 years seems to have become nothing.

    ‏My story:

    ‏It is unimaginably hard to say that we have lost everything, it's like a repeated nightmare we are living everyday. We have lost our beautiful, quiet life and our warm, safe home. Our dreams of a bright and promising future have been shattered.

    ‏The war has separated me and my family apart from my sisters ,uncles, aunts, and cousins. My tragic story began at the beginning of the war when the Israeli army demanded all Gaza citizens living in the north and middle of Gaza to evacuate. The area where my family and I used to live is where our beautiful home was located.we save each penny to establish a dream home and for university studies and build our future and to realize our lost dreams to avoid living in poverty and lack of money which is considered costly nowadays ,

    unfortunately still many payments are not paid yet nearly 10,000$, where the Israeli soldiers

    destroyed it and it became uninhabitable later.

    When Israeli soldiers asked us to evacuate our homes, we left everything from eating, drinking and wearing in our homes and jokes and left our house to another place and were a school of the UN shelter center, the situation was very tragic where we were all suffering from a lack of eating, drink and sleeping .

    Why do we want money:

    Reuniting my family and temporarily traveling to a safe place where I can protect the lives of my mother and father and my all family ,and children,

    So that we have a thread of hope to live and build a new life and we can raise our children to live a decent life.Moreover,

    Rebuilding my house, which has been

    Destroyed in the war finding shelter for my family and providing their basic needs.

um fares (layla) and her family

  • From the heart of Gaza, where harsh events intersect and difficulties abound, I am Mrs. Um Fares, living a tragic life, trapped between the ruins of war and the walls of the blockade. Our memories and dreams have been shattered along with our home, making everything seem more hopeless.

    In the wake of destruction, we are five souls yearning for a glimmer of hope. Our immediate need is to flee to Egypt, where we can seek refuge and rebuild our shattered lives.

    The journey to safety is fraught with uncertainty, but with your support, we can take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow. Every day is a battle for survival as we face unimaginable hardships, struggling to find enough to eat amidst the siege that grips our community.

    It has been seven months since the war started, and I have not been able to see my children. I am stranded in the northern part of the city while my sons are in the south. After their homes were destroyed, they moved south, and now the blockade prevents any movement between our areas. Text messages, though infrequent, have become our only means of sharing our longing and pain.

    Additionally, my children have suffered from the loss of their homes and their source of income due to the bombings. We find ourselves drowning in need and despair, without hope of realizing our dreams. Amid these harsh circumstances, thoughts of surrender and defeat haunt us, yet we cling to hope and resilience.

    We desperately need humanitarian donations. With the current situation, it has become impossible for us to return to work, and the lack of resources makes survival extremely difficult. We have lost everything in the war, from our homes and belongings to even our clothes.

    Your generosity can provide us with the means to escape this cycle of despair and embrace a future filled with promise. No contribution is too small, for each act of kindness brings us closer to reclaiming our dignity and securing a better life for ourselves.

    We promise to honor your support by using it wisely to rebuild our lives and contribute positively to our new community.

    Thank you for opening your hearts to our plight and for standing with us in our journey towards hope and healing.

    With gratitude, Layla (Um Fares) and her family.

Aseel Alzaanin, yazan, and fadi

  • Hello ,,

    My name is Aseel Alzaanin From Gaza , I’m 27 years old, married and I have an awesome son ( Fadi )

    I used to have a wonderful life , We had a warm home and also our own successful small business

    Everything was fine until October 7 and everything turned upside down …

    Our home and business have been completely destroyed, and we have become homeless, suffering from fear, displacement, hunger and destruction all around us.

    My little brother his names Yazan 14 years old , he has down syndrome . He was a social, smiling, interactive, active boy who loved life, but after the outbreak of this war, he became cowardly, introverted, and suffered from panic attacks.

    In addition, he lost his hearing and speech due to the loud sounds of bombing and missiles, and the terrible cases of panic

    He now cannot hear or speak

    Also, my son Fadi, who is 3 years old, suffers from constant fear and wakes up in the middle of the night screaming in terror because of the horrific sounds of missiles and explosions. My young son has lived in a condition that adults cannot bear, and I want him to escape from all this destruction and live a normal life that guarantees his rights as a child.

    And now,,

    My family and I want to flee the war. It is difficult for us to leave our homeland, but life there has become impossible.

    Therefore, I ask you to help us by donating to us the amount of $80000 so that we can pay for the coordination to travel abroad and survive the war, as the coordination for one person costs $5,000 for a person over 16 years old and $2,500 for a person under 16 years old

    Me , my husband, my Father , my mother , my little brother ( Yazan ) and my son ( Fadi )

    After escaping from here, we will begin the treatment phase for my little brother Yazan so that he can regain his hearing and speech again

    We also want to start again from the zero stage in building our lives so that we can continue. We will also need an amount of money

    I hope that you will help us collect these amounts so that the sun will shine in our lives again and we can save our lives

    Please Help us escape genocide and war and cross through the Rafah land crossing into Egypt


    اسمي أسيل الزعانين من غزة عمري 27 سنة متزوجة وأم لأجمل طفل بالعالم (فادي)

    لقد كنت أعيش حياة رائعة، وكان لدينا منزل دافئ وأيضًا مشروعنا الصغير الناجح

    كان كل شيء على ما يرام حتى 7 أكتوبر، وانقلب كل شيء رأسًا على عقب..

    لقد تم تدمير منزلنا وعملنا بشكل كامل، وأصبحنا بلا مأوى، ونعاني من الخوف والتشرد والجوع والدمار في كل مكان حولنا.

    أخي الصغير اسمه يزن عمره 14 سنة، مصاب بمتلازمة داون. كان فتى اجتماعياً مبتسماً متفاعلاً نشيطاً يحب الحياة، لكن بعد اندلاع هذه الحرب أصبح جباناً وانطوائياً ويعاني من نوبات الهلع

    .بالاضافة إلى أنه فقد سمعه ونطقه بسبب أصوات القصف والصواريخ المرتفعة وحالات الهلع الفظيعة

    وأصبح الآن لا يسمع ولا يتكلم

    كما أن ابني فادي البالغ من العمر 3 سنوات يعاني من خوف دائم ويستيقظ في منتصف الليل وهو يصرخ مذعوراً بسبب أصوات الصواريخ والانفجارات المروعة. لقد عاش ابني الصغير حالة لا يتحملها الكبار، وأريده أن ينجو من كل هذا الدمار ويعيش حياة طبيعية تضمن له حقوقه كطفل.

    و الأن،،

    أنا وعائلتي نريد الفرار من الحرب. من الصعب علينا أن نترك وطننا، لكن الحياة هنا أصبحت مستحيلة.

    لذلك أطلب منكم مساعدتنا بالتبرع لنا بمبلغ 80000 دولار حتى نتمكن من دفع تكاليف التنسيق للسفر إلى الخارج والنجاة من الحرب، حيث أن التنسيق المصري لشخص واحد يكلف 5000 دولار للشخص فوق 16 سنة و2500 دولار لمن يقل عمره عن 16 سنة.

    أنا وزوجي وأبي وأمي وأخي الصغير (يزن) وابني (فادي)

    و بعد الهروب من هنا سنبدأ بمرحلة العلاج لأخي الصغير يزن حتى يستطيع استرداد سمعه و نطقه من جديد

    و أيضاً نريد البدئ من جديد من مرحلةالصفر في بناء حياتنا حتى نستطيع الاستمرار سنحتاج أيضاً مبلغ من المال

    أتمنى منكم أن تساعدونا في جمع هذه المبالغ حتى تشرق الشمس في حياتنا من جديد ونستطيع أن ننجو بأرواحنا

    من فضلك ساعدنا على الهروب من الإبادة الجماعية

    والحرب والعبور عبر معبر رفح البري إلى مصر

Mahmoud Nabil

  • Hello.. My name is Mahmoud Nabil, I am twenty-five years old. I live in the Jabalia camp north of Gaza, and I work as a practising lawyer at the Palestinian Bar Association. I graduated from the Faculty of Law at Al-Azhar University in Gaza in 2021 and then I completed my educational career - at the same university - and joined the master's program in private law. I had finished preparing my scientific thesis to obtain a master's degree before October 7, 2023, but the war on Gaza prevented this, as the occupation aircraft destroyed my work office with its books, research and scientific and educational belongings, to destroy my laptop, which contained thesis that came near To finish it.

    Now my family of six displaced members are in the area of Mawasi Rafah and we live in tents where there is no minimum of life as a result of the genocidal war waged by the Israeli occupation forces after our house and private car were destroyed at the beginning of the war.

    - My father and mother are 65 years old and suffer from chronic diseases for a long time such as heart disease, pressure, diabetes and others, especially my mother, who urgently needs to perform an operation to remove the "stent" that was installed earlier in the "kidneys" after she was subjected to severe infections in her kidney according to her medical reports, which prevents her from developing kidney failure if she undergoes surgery to remove it as soon as possible.

    - ⁠- My younger brother Ahmed is 21 years old, and he is a university student at the Faculty of Engineering at Al-Azhar University, who wants to complete his educational career outside the Gaza Strip after the occupation destroyed Al-Azhar University with all its facilities, where the future still has to complete what he began with.

    - I had a sister close to me, who was killed by the occupation on 2/12/2023 and left behind three children who helped us to save her children and take them to a safe place.⁠

    Let it be known that the cost of travelling from the Gaza Strip abroad in the current situation requires an amount of ($5,000) per person, that is, we need an amount ($30,000) only to get out of the Gaza Strip to save our lives, not to mention the amounts we have to pay to treat my mother.

    We ask you to help us save our lives and get out of the Gaza Strip to treat my mother and to complete our educational journey, after everything of our own in Gaza has been destroyed.

    help us to protect of war,thank you l hope share the link.

Ayman and the Murtaja's

  • Update from Ayman and Laura July 9th, 2024: Ayman and the Murtaja's have endured some of the most extreme heat and humidity on record with no electricity or proper shelter. This in combination with the bombs, tanks, drones, shellings, sieges and attacks creates some of the most hellish conditions imaginable.

    Also stay tuned for Mutual Aid projects for disproportionate folks in Gaza. Cash and aid for the poor, disabled, elderly, non-English speaking people who need it most.

    A note from Ayman July 9, 2024: "With the ongoing closure of the crossing, existing goods and foodstuffs are sold at very high prices, and medicines as well as drinking water and water for washing and cleaning are also sold at high prices. That's why we need you more than ever. So we can live here.Your support makes us able to live here.

    We also need you so that we can start over and be able to buy a house instead of a completely destroyed one, as well as clothes and furniture. Also so that I can complete my dream and register at a University when the crossing opens. We are experiencing difficult conditions here with high temperatures and harmful insects and flies and constant bombing.

    Don't leave us alone, we need you. Remember, you are saving innocent lives. All donation money goes to the right place.

    (I wrote the words while crying, I am so sorry.)

    No one knows how long the war will last, and no one knows when it will end. We have been at war now for 9 months, and the mass genocide and displacement are still continuing, and the costs are very high."

    Sincere thanks and the utmost gratitude to all the wonderful donors and supporters.

    Ayman and Laura


    Update from Laura and Ayman May 28th, 2024: Needs change by the minute in Rafah as the bombings, shellings and suffering are non-stop. Ayman and family are alive but struggling to survive so we are increasing the goal total once again to ensure their needs are met. Bombing on May 26 and 27th have made it impossible to sleep so they are exhausted. The internet connection during these atrocities is in and out of service as Ayman's phone can not accept sims.

    From Ayman: "Moving from one place to another takes a lot of money and prices here are also very expensive. The situation is getting worse. We are waiting for the crossing to open so we can leave. We are asking you to help us live here so we can buy food, water and medicine. We live in a very difficult time. The closure of the (Rafah) crossing also had a significant impact."

    Sincere thanks to all those who have donated <3 Your continued support means everything during these devastating times and is keeping this family alive.

    Much love,

    Laura and Ayman


    Update from Laura on May 11, 2024: As the situation in Rafah intensifies, Ayman has requested to increase the goal total so he can include his family members in his safety efforts. More from Ayman soon, as internet connection is challenging.


    My name is Laura, living on occupied Dakota territory / Minneapolis/Saint Paul, MN USA. I am fundraising on behalf of dear Ayman Murtaja, a 25 year old student, currently living in a makeshift tent in Rafah, Palestine. He, like so many Palestinians, lost his home, his job and much of his family. Before Oct 7th, Ayman was a student studying financial accounting at Al-Azhar University. The university has been completely destroyed along with so many dreams.

    Please consider donating to this fund for Ayman to be able to continue his studies, his life and ability to thrive.

    What the funds will be used for:

    1. Immediate survival needs include water, food and shelter among the many unexpected costs of living in a war zone.

    2. Evacuation fees

    3. College tuition, books and study supplies fees.

    4. College travel abroad fees and housing.

    A note from Ayman April 7, 2024:

    "Female students sleep indoors during the winter, and men sleep outside in tents set up during the holidays. Long storms have long since pitched our tents, and it has become very difficult to meet our basic needs

    As you know, this situation is terrible for us - we cannot get food, flour, medicine, clean toiletries and even water. It is sold at very, very high prices

    Traveling outside Gaza requires a large sum of up to $5,000 and sometimes $7,000. Different dreams now. I dream of a homeland, rebuilding our memories in Gaza, but this time in Egypt, so that I can complete my clear education for a new future. I would like to remain a lasting example of the beauty, courage and strength of Palestine

    The situation in Gaza is becoming more dangerous and unpredictable by the minute. It is with great humility that I created this fundraiser, with the support of my online community who encouraged me to accept contributions to save my family. I am grateful for your words of encouragement and willingness to support us in this new development of self-sufficiency for my family.

    Eviction fees are very expensive, especially since I have no source of income. Once we are able to evacuate, your donations will cover our travel expenses. There will be meal expenses, wardrobe expenses, emergency expenses, etc. but no generous contribution will be wasted.

    ❤️ Thanks for reading my story. To share my story with your friends and family. God willing, there will be a ceasefire, and we can get the comfort and security we deserve to build our lives again."

    Ayman Murtaja

Ayman and his family

  • This is my home, the home of my dreams, the home of a beautiful small family. It was a dream that brought us together and a hope to start from. It has beautiful corridors and is surrounded by ornamental trees. It was destroyed, and everyone collapsed. We became homeless and without a future, and my body collapsed with my home. The words cracked and became just scattered letters. Like every piece of my house, I no longer have even a daily income.

    I have created beautiful things in my life. I have provided a decent life for my children. My first project was a beautiful restaurant in the neighborhoods of my city. I borrowed debt to open a project for my only son, Royal. It was my son’s future.

    I worked hard and developed myself, and built my biggest dream and my largest project, Caffe Cerkle

    A few days until it opens, but it has collapsed and collapsed. I am now effectively left with nothing

    My only son was injured in the foot, and I could not find a place to shelter me, except a tent covered in dirt, covered by the sky, and its walls were cloth.

    He turned from a university student into a street vendor ،Even his minor injury hinders his work

    I have three daughters who are married, and their homes and lives are falling apart

    And my little girl, a piece of sugar for me, has begun to suffer as adults suffer. Her beautiful clothes, her room full of toys, and her memories are scattered under the dirt, and her school and teachers are destroyed.

    My beautiful wife endured the hardship of life and war with me

    I ask you, rather I beg you, to help me and support me

Nada’s and Mahmoud’s families

  • This is the message of 2 families (siblings) from Gaza:

    Hello, I'm Nada. Truth be told, my self-respect prevented me from creating this link for 160 days, but waking up to a belt of fire and shells almost ending my life and my family's pushed me to create it and write my story to you.

    I'm 25 years old. The struggle to secure clean water, food, and a sense of security has become unbearable. We've lost so much over the past six months, and I can't bear it anymore. I need your help to leave Gaza with my husband and our three children: Mira, Jihad, and Iman. I just wish to live a normal life, and once we reach Egypt, we'll start a new. But the biggest problem is securing the funds needed to leave Gaza. It costs for an adult 5000 USD and for a child 2500 USD. Your assistance means a lot because we're trying hard to rebuild and envision better days ahead. Every donation, big or small, helps us begin repairing our shattered dreams. I sincerely and deeply ask all kind-hearted people to help me share my story and message with the world. Thank you for your support and understanding during this difficult time. Your contribution means a new life for me and my family.


    ‏I am Mahmoud from Gaza. I was working on my project a small resort on the Rafah Sea but it was completely destroyed now after this harmful war. It was supposed to be for recreational days for children during the summer. A number of international and local institutions, including the UNDP, were resting here. I am collecting money to help my children leave Gaza to go somewhere safe, as they cannot live under the shells and constant bombardment on us. They urgently need to leave Gaza to Egypt, which costs money. My oldest child, Halima, suffers from a severe chest attack and needs urgent treatment, as the ongoing conflict has hindered their ability to obtain it. She also needs treatment for her hands after a platinum operation on medications. But the circumstances are what dictate that we leave to evacuate my family trapped in Gaza and build a new future because none of this is easy, most of it is unbearable. Please help me and my family get out of Gaza to a place where I can live and make my kids feel safe and see them growing up without a dangerous environment , please share a the link if you can’t help that would be helpful too.

the sun of freedom - anas moshtaha

  • Welcome to The Sun of Freedom. A grassroots initiative founded by Anas Mushtaha; Palestinian wheelchair basketball player from Gaza.

    The Sun of Freedoms mission:

    We support those with disabilities (or who have become disabled), orphaned children, and those who face multiple displacements in Gaza with food, water and aid.

    We will be moving through different phases within the funds we raise for this campaign.

    Our first phase we purchased food parcels, vegetables, meat, and chicken for the Disabled, displaced and Orphans of Gaza at different camps.

    We will also be helping war-wounded patients in hospitals, and assisting newly displaced people from other parts of Gaza as they arrive with food and aid. Most recently there has been more displacements and we will be assisting with getting them emergency aid, food and water.

    We will provide photo's and videos of our accomplishments, and to share to you the donors where your funds are going.

    How You Can Contribute:

    Donate: Any contribution, whether big or small will count. Your generosity will save lives and provide a much-needed hope.

    Share: Amplify our message by spreading the word. Together, we can make a collective impact that extends beyond the reach of a single donation.

    Join Us in Making a Difference:

    Stand with us united in the face of adversity. Your collective support can provide more than just food; it can offer hope and a brighter future for those facing the direst of circumstances.

    About the Founder & the Team:

    Anas Mushtaha is a professional wheelchair basketball player on the National Palestinian wheelchair basketball team. He is currently displaced with his family of 5 in Gaza.

    Anas was born with paralytic polio, a severe form of poliovirus, which damages the nerves in the spinal cord leading to muscle paralysis and chronic pain. This means that Anas is in constant pain without his treatment, which he has not had access to since October.

    Anas is currently displaced in deplorable conditions in Deer El Balah, after many displacements from the North of Gaza.

    Anas isn’t the only person with disabilities that is struggling to survive in Gaza.

    An average of 10 children a day lose a limb due to catastrophic injuries and 19,000 children have been orphaned or have no adult left to care for them.

    The Sun of Freedom Team:

    The team is made up of 3 people Angie, Gio, and Kat who have become close friends with Anas. They all provide different life experiences and skills they are bringing to this fundraising team.

    Angie has worked with non-profits as a fundraiser coordinator for many years in Canada, and the US and spent years in Haiti helping orphaned children after the 2010 earthquake. Angie also has her non-profit management certification from UIC in Chicago. She recently hosted Anas's GFM, and raised funds for Anas and his family to have ready for evacuations, a new wheelchair, emergency medical treatment, and cost for living.

    Gio is an HR professional who recently started raising funds for Spark for Innovation and Creativity. The funds raised were used to buy 60 tents, and food for displaced people in Gaza. Spark is an independent Palestinian organization that collaborate with several institutions worldwide including UCL University in London.

nadosh aqad and her family

  • I am Nedaa Othman from Gaza. I stand before you. I am the only person who is maintaining my family. It consists of 4 people. We are trying to live in extremely difficult and miserable conditions in tents in the Mawasi area of ​​Khan Yunis. It is difficult for me to describe the painful and very difficult life we ​​are going through. I cannot live with it. Every day we face difficulty in obtaining water, even though it is polluted and not suitable for drinking, but this is what is available. No food, no medicine, psychological pressures, sadness and tragedy when I look at the faces of my children as they try to provide water for themselves. I am overwhelmed by the loss of loved ones. Because of the pressure, sadness and grief, we say that death is more merciful than this life.

    Because of the war, I lost my home and my laptop, which was used for all my work and work. Now I am going through a very difficult situation and I ask for your help to save my family and get us out of this difficult and sad situation. Life in Gaza has become unbearable. Hunger, displacement, slow death, the spread of diseases and epidemics, continuous bombing, sudden death, loss of loved ones. Since October 7, my children and I have been displaced from our home and we have not taken anything. We have been displaced four times. We are currently living in a tent in Mawasi, Khan Yunis, with my family. The tent is made of thin cloth and is unbearable during the day due to the high temperature. Our faces have unfortunately been affected by the intense heat in the tent. Unfortunately, our conditions are very bad. We face a problem with the toilets between the tents and they are not clean. There is only one toilet for ten tents and we stand in line until we pass the toilet. For this reason, my children have contracted hepatitis as a result of the widespread pollution and lack of cleanliness. We are tired and we are in this situation every day. We also eat canned food because it is available and my children cry because they do not want it because it is not tasty. In short, we do not have the basics of life. We have gone through very terrifying months. God saved us from death. Months that were literally hell. Despite that, the war continues, the tragedy continues, and our lives are constantly at risk. We have lost everything, even hope in Gaza. Even if the war stops, Gaza is no longer fit for living. There are no homes, hospitals, or schools. Total destruction that cannot be repaired.

    In order to leave Gaza to cross the road from Rafah to Egypt, we need huge amounts of money, and unfortunately, it is not available.

    Egyptians ask everyone for about $5,000 and above just to enter Gaza.

    Our names are not registered unless they can prove that we have enough ready money for my entire family.

    Unfortunately, my house was destroyed and I could not see it because I was in a besieged area that I could not leave. The Israeli army was besieging us and we were in danger. However, I asked a neighbor of mine who is far away from me to take a picture of my house because of how much I miss it, am attached to it, and am upset and sad. It was a simple video and simple pictures. She told me it is better not to watch it so that I do not get shocked and have a stroke.

    I had a house that sheltered us and we have beautiful memories in it.

    Every day, my daughter Dyala reviews her memories and cries and says to me, “Why didn’t you take my toys and belongings when we were displaced? I want my beautiful room.” I am patient in it and tell her, “God will compensate us with something better, my little girl, don’t be sad.”

    I hope Please help us and my children to get us out of this genocide that has not stopped. Please ease our suffering and support us by sharing my story with your family and friends. We will be forever grateful for your kind help in these difficult circumstances.

madjy and his family

  • Hello dear friends

    Please read my story as if I'm a member of your family.

    im majdy from Gaza, im 21 years old i have been through 5 wars including this one, but this one is the worse, me and my family lost our home and our source of income, we lost every thing, and we were forced to displaced more than 5 times, we are family of 13 members, right now we live in a tent, life is extremely hard right now so please donate if you can, so we can live a better life..

    Thank you ❤️

Yousef and Yazan

  • Hi, my name is Gerard Feeney from Ireland. I am trying to raise funds to help Yousef and Yazan find a safer future away from the bombs and destruction in Gaza.

    Yazan, who is 3, is one of the lucky children in Gaza. Early on in the war he ended up in hospital being treated for shock from the constant bombing in Rafah. He later contracted suspected Hepatitis A from drinking contaminated water. His brother, Yousef, 6, also ended up contracting Hepatitis A. That is how things are in Gaza for children. The lucky ones are ONLY traumatised by the effects of the carpet bombing, or sick from dirty water, not maimed or killed. Yazan and his brother Yousef, live with their parents, Mahmoud and Doaa, in the southernmost part of Gaza, in the supposed safe zone of Rafah. Mahmoud and Doaa are highly educated, hardworking, genuine people. Their jobs are gone now. Neither has ever been outside the 25 miles by 5 miles prison that is Gaza. Their lives are in constant danger of being terminated by the indiscriminate bombing they endure every day now. Meanwhile, they scramble for food, queue for water, queue for everything. Everything is Gaza is an extortionate price now. Eggs are €3 EACH, nappies are €70, 1 kg bag of rice is €50. The only meat that is safe to eat is lamb because you can watch the lamb being slaughtered! One kg is €30. Where the other meat comes from, God only knows! And they're the lucky ones.

    I am please asking you to help them start a new life outside Gaza, so their children get the opportunity to escape the regular wars Mahmoud and Doaa have endured throughout their lives. With your support, we can help them to feed their children, and plan for a better future for their children outside Gaza after the war.

    Thank you for supporting this family.

gigi and her family

  • Helping my little sister evacuate Gaza

     My name is Islam, I live in Belgium. It has been four years since the last time i saw my family. I am reaching out to you in desperate need of assistance to help my family escape frome Gaza after it was ravaged by war, leaving no hope for life there.

     My younger sister Gigi was eagerly awaiting her wedding, but the war came, destroyed all her dreams as her home was bombed and completely destroyed, along with all its furnishings. They killed her smile, and she was forced to marry during the war. She is now pregnant and can't find enough food to nourish herself and her unborn child.She also needs medical care, but she cannot find it after all Gaza's hospitals were bombed.

    Because of this, I have decided to ask for your help, as all avenues to assist them and save them from death in this war . As you know, traveling outside Gaza now requires significant expansie to travelling cross Egypt. The cost of exiting Gaza now is 5 thousand dollars per person, which you pay before leaving the Rafah crossing. I understand that the amount needed may be substantial, so if you are unable to contribute financially, it's okay. But please, share this with anyone you know. You never know who might see it and offer assistance.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your concern. I have faith and confidence that with your support, I will be able to save my sister and her unborn baby and bring them to safety

Ziad Alhendawi and his family

  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Ziad, and I am a 25-year-old from Gaza. Words cannot describe the pain my family has endured since the war began. We lost our home, were displaced three times, and as if that wasn’t enough, I had to watch my beloved nephew lose his life to white phosphorus with little to no medical care available to save him.

    I cannot bear to lose any more loved ones. My 58-year-old father urgently needs medical support for his heart disease, but I am unable to get him the treatment he needs due to lack of funds. Both my parents suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes, conditions that require timely medication that I simply cannot afford.

    Everything is extremely expensive in Gaza now because of the blockade. I am terrified that any delay in their treatment will make them more vulnerable as the war rages on. I need your urgent support to raise the necessary funds to care for my family.

    Please, help us survive.

    Thank you.

Karem Selme and his family

  • Hello Dear friends

    Im Karem, a 22-year-old from Gaza -palestine

    I would like to share with you my story, me and my family and the tragedy we lived by the war.

    Our house was a place full of beautiful memories. We lived in the northern Gaza Strip, and the house brought us together as a family and provided us with security and stability.

    After this painful incident, we had to move to the south of the Strip in search of safety. We now live in a small tent, and try to adapt to the new life that was imposed on us.

    Every day we face great challenges, such as securing food, water and basic needs, In addition to living under the threat of constant bombing and fear of the unknown.

    Despite all these difficulties, we still keep hope in our hearts. We believe that a better future lies ahead, and we seek to build a new life away from destruction and fear. We hope the world will find open hearts to help us rebuild our lives and provide safety for my family.

    Thank you to everyone who provides their support and assistance in these difficult times. Your help means a lot to us.


Eslam Osama and his family

  • I am Eslam Osama. I am 29 years old. I am married and have four children: Nour, 10 years old, Ritaal, 8 years old, Sufyan, 7 years old, and Muhammad, 5 years old. We used to live in Gaza City, where we spent the most beautiful family and professional memories. On a day when there was no moonlight, our lives turned into hell. We do not know where the sounds of the bombing are coming from. My children are screaming and crying and the house is shaking. Then I was forced to move to the south to save my family from danger. I left my home and work behind, and my family became without a home, water, or electricity. In the south, my family was not spared from bombing and destruction, and the sounds of my children screaming in fear in my ears.I am suffered a respiratory crisis from the smell of phosphorus, and the story did not end after my house was bombed and destroyed and my car was burned. They were not satisfied with that, but they destroyed my source of livelihood, burning it and bulldozing it, and today I am without a home, without a job, and without a car. The fatigue of the years is gone and the memories are still in my heart.My children suffered from skin diseases due to insects and pollution in the camp. Help and support me to get my family out of danger so they can live the decent life they deserve.

    My family left our house with the hope of returning to it, but unfortunately it was completely destroyed, and all we were left with were memories. I still had the key to the house and its door was gone. I wish time could go back, so I could deposit every stone in the house, every corner, but time does not come back.

    My children have a dog named Lucy. Even she was not spared from the war. She was displaced with us from one place to another, and her own food was not available. Now she eats canned meat, and her mood is bad. She no longer plays like before. The dog was small and grew up during the war.

    My children also have a cat named Kitty. We found her among the destroyed homes. We took her in and took care of her, but Kitty is alone and needs care and food designated for her, but unfortunately we lack that. What is Kitty’s fault for her being lonely too? Support our story and share it.

    Hello again, I want to remind you that any danger comes unexpectedly. We were attacked by a 2.5 meter long snake that almost killed any of us, but through God’s kindness, it was eliminated. This is how our lives are. Danger follows us wherever we are. Please help and donate to us. We need you to reach safety.

    Today I need you very much. Lucy is very sick because of eating canned meat. She is not accustomed to that. She used to eat the best food, but because of the lack of money, I cannot feed her anything other than canned chicken. It is expensive, and the meat is also broken, and the cornflakes are cut. There is no Lucy. She needs your support. She needs treatment and food. Do not forget Lucy from your donations. Lucy Bean. life and death

tala and his family

  • I am Tala Adas from Gaza. I was displaced in the second week of the war to the south of the Gaza Strip in the Rafah area, leaving behind my home, my large family, and my friends. I did not know that this displacement would not enable us to return to our home to this day

    I am now organizing a fundraising campaign for me and my small family of 5. I hesitated a lot before organizing the campaign throughout the 6 months of the previous war, hoping that this unjust war on Gaza will end.

    But I have not found any alternative yet because I am unable to provide the travel expenses necessary to leave Gaza. Note that the travel costs to exit the Rafah crossing (the crossing that separates) the Gaza Strip from Egypt are very high beyond our means.

    We are a father, a mother, a daughter, and two sons (17 years old, 19 years old, and 11 years old).

    Since October 7, we have already evacuated the Gaza Strip several times, back and forth, from northern Gaza to central Gaza and then towards the south, and in the south we moved from one area to another searching for shelter amid the bombing above our heads.However, they miraculously managed to achieve thisWe had a beautiful, warm home, and we worked hard over the years to establish it and live in it in peace, but in the meantime, as you can see in the pictures, our memories are unfortunately being destroyed under the rubble, and all we have is a tent facing the harsh reality of displacement.Uncertainty about the future, we completely lost everything after investing every penny we had in this house I feel very sad when I see our condition, living in a tent that lacks the basic necessities of life

    And thinking about how to stand up as a family again and rebuild our lives from scratch. But with your support, there is a glimmer of hope

    Despite my father's disease, which suffers from cartilage, he still carried some of his belongings on his back,

    We walked long distances on our feet and had to throw away some of our belongings due to fatigue, and we tried to hold on to some important things.


    hi , I am Hamza. I am organizing this fundraiser for my friend Tala's family. I know this family well and they are now in a tent in Rafah. That is why they asked me to help them establish this donation campaign. This family made me cry so much and I ask you to listen to their plea. They are weak and innocent and have lost their home. Their dreams were shattered and they lived in unimaginable terror and fear. Therefore, I hope that you will help them collect this amount to alleviate their pain. Thank you.

Mohammed Qunoo and his family

  • My name is Mohammed Qunoo, and I live with my family in the Gaza Strip, specifically in northern Gaza. Our home was destroyed at the beginning of the war. We've been displaced multiple times, moving from one place to another within Gaza, losing all our essential belongings. Now, we live in a tent that barely protects us from the constant bombing. Death seems to chase us at every turn.

    Our future has been shattered, especially for my brother Samer and my sister Lara.

    Samer, who achieved an outstanding 96.4% average, had just begun his studies in human medicine. But now, he has lost a year of his life. We lack the financial means to send him out of Gaza to continue his education at a university.

    My only sister, Lara, is in her final year of school. She faces a similar fate as Samer.

    I am writing these words in desperate need of your help. We are searching for a glimmer of hope, for hands that can reach out to us with aid, for hearts that will respond to our plea. We need your support to rebuild our home, to give us a shelter, and to help my siblings complete their studies.

    Your donations can save our entire family's life. I hope you will stand with us during this ordeal and be a part of our story of resilience and overcoming hardships.

    Every donation, no matter how small, makes a significant difference in our lives. We need you now more than ever, and my entire family thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.

dina and her family

  • Hello

    Am Dina from North of Gaza ..

    A displaced person is among the 2 million displaced people in Gaza who left their homes, their lives, and their beautiful memories, hoping to find a safe place to shelter them from the torment and bombing from which they fled.

    When I graduated from the Medical Laboratory College, I thought that a rosy life would begin, and I would work to be a source of income to help my parents who struggled to cover my educational expenses and secure a decent life for me and my siblings. However, reality was completely different. I faced many difficulties in finding job opportunities due to the long-standing blockade, high unemployment rates, and other problems we have been experiencing for a long time. I tried hard and worked in different fields unrelated to my field of study just to secure a modest income to meet our basic needs 🥹💔

    After seven years of perseverance and hard work, I finally obtained a great job opportunity in 2021 as a graphic designer. I started building clients, relationships, portfolios, and continuously improving my skills to provide the best service to my clients.

    But in Gaza, our dreams are shattered within seconds without warning 😵‍💫

    The October 7th war was the biggest nightmare for me and my family as we were forcibly displaced from our city and warm home filled with love and life. We lost everything we had built, including the job I had worked so hard for. We fled south hoping for safety but found only humiliation, oppression, deprivation of all life's essentials, surrounded by destruction and bombardment every second.

    We tried to adapt to these conditions hoping for a better life but it was unbearably harsh; all avenues of escape were closed off, even my laptop - my only hope of returning to work - was destroyed due to poor electricity supply.

    I couldn’t repair it or work on it again due to the unavailability of necessary equipment 💔

    ‏Despite all my attempts to stay positive and keep hope alive in my parents' hearts to start anew and regain my job to provide a decent life for them, I failed 😣

    I thought that being displaced and losing my job was the biggest tragedy that befell us, but on July 12th, we received news of the real catastrophe: the complete destruction of our home. I can't believe it. How can a person become homeless and shelterless in seconds?😭💔 Unfortunately, we have lost everything beautiful in our lives and our stability.

    I don't think there is a rosy life ahead from now on. My only hope now in this life is my family. Please help me bring back the smile to my parents' faces 🙏🏻🙏🏻